Our Firm
Absolute Returns. Uncompromised Value.
GLD Partners, LP is a privately held, diversified alternative investment management firm committed to a long-term focused investment approach to select investments, across industries and geographies.
Alternative investments are designed to yield returns that are independent of broad-based stock and bond market indices. This is achieved through the careful selection of event-driven opportunities, investment in inefficient firms and assets, or the restructuring of overall portfolios. Our investment focus is broad and diverse and can oftentimes take the form of liquid and illiquid investments, debt and equity combinations and structured transactions with a long-term value creation focus.
Our organizational structure decentralizes investment research, analysis and decision-making while centralizing risk management. This approach enables us to capitalize on a broad range of ideas and expertise while ensuring that risks are reviewed and managed comprehensively with clear accountability.
Throughout our organization, we share a common desire to be the best at what we do and we believe this never-ending pursuit of excellence has intrinsic value independent of any economic benefit that we may receive. Finally, and most importantly, we conduct all business with the highest level of integrity, honesty and discipline.

Investment Philosophy
GLD seeks investment opportunities where we believe that the potential reward adequately compensates us for the risk entailed. We apply a firm-wide philosophy to all of our investment activities:
Risk Management
We seek selective opportunities that over-compensate us for the risk that we are asked to take. It is important to differentiate this approach from one where the focus is solely on investment performance as opposed to risk management. Instead of simply seeking potential profit, our focus is on “downside control” and the prevention of losses. Given the sectors and markets where we operate and excel, there will be no shortage of transactions and opportunities that satisfy our requirements.
Specialized Focus
We cannot be “all things to all people” and as such have chosen to specialize in certain investment areas. By focusing our mandate, we remain vigilant in our approach and mindful of the trust placed in us by our partners, employees and community. Our specialized focus further clarifies our mission and avoids any confusion as to our intention or strategies.
Proprietary Analysis
There is no crystal ball when it comes to markets or investing. Similarly, broader themes about macro-economic factors such as markets or interest rates do not adequately inform the micro-level investment case. As such, GLD’s focus is on proprietary research and analysis at the “micro level.” We seek to understand the unique components of each investment opportunity relying heavily on our team of highly trained quantitative and qualitative analysts. While their analysis might be informed by macro-economic indicators, our long term investment horizon allows us to strategically invest in companies and assets that can weather short term macro-economic trends.